How to make a complaint
Contact us in the first instance
Please get in touch with Elle directly or via email at or complete our online contact form to provide details.
You are also welcome to contact us anonymously in writing, via a third party or using our anonymous feedback form.
An initial response will be provided within 2 business days.
Other ways to raise a complaint
If you are not happy with the outcome of your feedback and would like to take further steps, you have the right to contact a number of third parties, including:
PACFA (Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation Australia)
Victorian Health Complaints Commission
NDIS participants
You also have the right to lodge a complaint directly with the NDIS Quality & Safeguards Commission.
We are happy to assist you in raising your complaint and want to ensure that you are supported in this process.
What we will do
We will reach out to you according to your contact preference to acknowledge and confirm your complaint.
We will work with you and ensure you have all the information you need to understand the steps being taken to resolve your complaint.
We will provide you with a clear explanation of what has or has not happened, or why a decision was made.
Together with you, we will record the details of the complaint with relevant material – such as a service receipt.
We will set a plan to resolve the issue, including an outline of what will be done, who will do it, when it will be done by, and how actions and progress will be communicated and overseen.
Throughout the process we will keep you informed of updates as frequently as possible, with weekly updates at a minimum, until you are satisfied that the complaint has been resolved.
If a resolution is not reached within 4 weeks of notification, we will contact you to discuss other options such as referral to alternate complaint channels.
For further information, please contact us: